Pilgrim-Institute.org is just one of a number of ways we are trying to use the internet to not only to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but to provide training, encouragement, and placement of those who have been called into a ministry for Christ.
We are limited not by opportunity or need, but resources. We are currently providing internet resources in the following areas:
1. Free Christian Education:
http://www.foursoilsministry.org Bible School Certificate education program (FREE)
http://www.wicketgatebiblecollege.com Bible College in Biblical studies (FREE)
http://www.pilgrim-institute.org Individual Discipleship Program (FREE)
2. Free Job Placement Service:
http://www.pastorsearch.us Connect Ministers and Ministries (FREE)
3. Christian WebSite Development & Support (FREE)
It is our goal to expand our ministry support in the above areas and some additional ones as resources become available.
Please consider supporting us with your prayers and financial gifts.
Pastor Charlie
Please Support Our Ministry